If you guys have any questions you'd like to ask Johnny aka Lefty, let me know, we're going to have him on the next show.
He has been one of our most popular guests of all time, and I know he has alot to get of his chest regarding iambrian and pua hate.
My forum just voted to ban him (again) and we'll get his rebuttal, along with new segment called "Ask Johnny" or "Lovin' With Lefty" where he will answer newbies questions about picking up girls.
I might have him on alongside either Troublesome, who is another disgruntled bootcamp participant who went through the same stuff as johnny (and with the same company), or I might have Neil Strauss's former personal assistant and get the scoop on whhat it was like working with him and the odd hilarity that insued.
Here's last weeks show where Johnny was discussed, along with Fatty Confessional.
J The Ripper Show Episode #21!
*I lose my phone, 2 week show hiatus
*Kurse says hello.
*Blue jumps in pool with phone
*Babies Uglier Than Puppies?
*Frustration/Dry Spells...Why you shouldnt feel bad about it.
*Should we do Fatty Confessional or Newbie Calls a Number?!
*Blue waiting in line at Frys Electronics and talking to us.
*She pee'd on his truck and he was hungover.
*Day2 Kiss Tips
*Makeouts Transitioning.
*The "Johnny Issue".
+ plus much, much more!
Hey Jack the Ripper, I remember hearing you bitch out at Lucifer on the puahate podcast calling him a "douche-bag" and shit when he called your forum out on writing fake lay reports. You gotta be unreactive, bro. Go read some Tolle. Everyone knows that self-help and asking boring questions to girls in bars is the way to get laid.
I take showers and I wash my pants.
Do you crap, piss, and cum in your pants all the time?
Please explain.
Exactly! It gets handed down at childhood, so no one questions it. YOU ARE TAUGHT THAT IT'S GROSS AND SO YOU AREN'T COMFORTABLE WITH THAT AREA. SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. Tell me this, can you sleep naked in your bed comfortably, alone?
Probably not.
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Having Johnny on because he just got banned from the forum and trying to get his reaction. Actually we should do the wrestling show with Steamroller next week if you are free. I know you got alot to say about nXt...
yep, its called hustling bars.
especially with this world cup shit, i've just been drinking and smoking weed and fuck you mr. right.
when they die i'll own this shit. i'm already saving up. i'm going to just not pay let it get into debt, sell, and get a loan. simple as that
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Are you talking about that lispy faggot The Sneak? I used to troll his punk ass on the stylelife forum back in the day. Good times.